MagIQtouch / Total System Reset - Single MagIQtouch Controller and Multiple MagIQtouch Controller
MagIQtouch/system reset
The following reset procedures describe the process to be followed to reset a system with either single or multiple MagIQtouch Controllers following a communication error that results in “components not found” or the system finding components that are not installed.
Prior to carrying out any reset procedures:
- Check all the wiring is correct and cables are not damaged
- Ensure all components are connected and powered
MagIQtouch Controller or system reset – single MagIQtouch Controller
It is possible to reset the whole system (including all connected components) or the MagIQtouch Controller only.
Use a pin or paperclip to press and hold the reset button located at the back of the Controller.
This will cause the following screens to appear:
Note: Resetting the whole system will mean that every component connected to the Controller will be given the factory default address. After resetting the whole system it will be necessary to go through the “System Installation Wizard” again from the start.
Total system reset – multiple MagIQtouch Controllers
To perform a total system reset:
- Disconnect all MagIQtouch Controllers and sensors from their looms and bring them to the Master zone controller location
- For each Controller separately:
o Connect Controller to Master zone cable and wait for it to power up
o Insert pin in the RESET hole at the back of the controller for 5 seconds
o Enter service code “7378” and press the CONT button
o Select RESET WHOLE SYSTEM and press the CONT button
o Press CONT button and wait for Controller to restart (the screen will go black)
o As soon as the white MAGIQTOUCH CONTROLLER screen is displayed, disconnect the Controller – do not allow it to progress past this screen before disconnecting the Controller
- At this stage, all of the Controllers should be disconnected and should have been reset
- Power off all the system devices (Heater, Coolers, external zone boards, …) for a minimum of 30 seconds
- Reconnect all Controllers and sensors to their zone looms
- Power up the system
- Make sure ALL the Slave Controllers screens show “GO TO MASTER CONTROLLER”
- Make sure the Master Controller screen shows “SYSTEM INSTALLATION WIZARD”
- Start the Installation from the Master Controller as per usual, carefully reading the installation wizard on-screen prompts