Braemar Fixed Speed Add on cooling compressor settings using MagIQtouch SETTINGS/COOLER/COMPRESSOR SETTINGS/7378

Braemar add on cooling coils when used in conjunction with Braemar TQX (extra air) model gas ducted heaters use the cooling thermistor installed into the duct approximately 3 metres from the heater (just after the cooling coil) to sense the cooling off temperatures.

The compressor turns off then the thermistor drops to a specified minimum temperature to prevent the coil from freezing – compressor cannot re-start until cooling coil air off temperature has increased by a specified amount and compressor delay timer has elapsed.

Required fixed speed compressor settings for optimum performance are:
On delay – 3 minutes - prevents damage to the compressor by not allowing short cycling (stop/starting) after turning off for a time period of 3 minutes.
On temperature rise – 10 degrees Celsius -  allows frost to melt after the compressor cuts out at 3 degrees, it will wait until the thermistor temperature reaches 10 degrees 
Off temperature – 3 degrees Celsius - prevents icing up of the coil by removing the 24volt at the contactor when the thermistor gets to 3 degrees or lower

Required fixed speed compressor settings for optimum performance are:
On delay – 3 minutes - prevents damage to the compressor by not allowing short cycling (stop/starting) after turning off for a time period of 3 minutes.
On temperature rise – 10 degrees Celsius -  allows frost to melt after the compressor cuts out at 3 degrees, it will wait until the thermistor temperature reaches 10 degrees 
Off temperature – 3 degrees Celsius - prevents icing up of the coil by removing the 24volt at the contactor when the thermistor gets to 3 degrees or lower

When attending a Braemar add on cooling system for poor cooling performance the attending technician should always check:
  • Cooling thermistor is correctly located a per the installation manual (information below)
  • Return air grille and ducting are correctly sized as per the installation instructions and the return air filter is clean
  • Always advise the customer of the importance of regularly cleaning and replacing when necessary.
  • For optimum and most economical cooling performance it is recommended that the fan speed should be set to maximum fan speed for cooling.
  • That the compressor settings are set as per above recommendations.